Saturday, October 2, 2010

Week 5 - Reading Notes

Wikipedia Article: Database

Understanding more about database structures was interesting because I use the integrated library system – Millennium at work the database has cataloging, acquisitions and other modules built into it. When I help patrons request material from the catalog I have noticed that it is not as user friendly as Amazon or Boarders. One would think that the consortiums first priority would be to create a catalog interface that is user friendly. I have seen people become so discouraged with requesting material from the catalog .

Anne J. Gilliland. Introduction to Metadata, pathways to Digital Information: 1: Setting the Stage

Eric J. Miller. An Overview of the Dublin Core Data Model

I am in the Metadata class offered this semester and this article was required reading for the second week. It is interesting to learn that metadata located on an information object does not only apply to the electronic/digital environment. I understand why there are so many different standards/schemas to describe these objects. Dublin Core is one of the more popular and generalized schemas.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stacey! My library uses Millenium also...and I think that patrons are frequently frustrated by it because it feels and behaves so differently from Amazon, etc., which is what patrons want and expect!
