Saturday, October 9, 2010

Week 6 - Reading Notes

Wikipedia article: Local Area Network (LAN)

Learning about Local Area Network (LAN) and the wireless network was intresting. I still prefer to connect through the ethernet/broadband connection because it is more stable than the wireless network. I was once told by a Comcast representative that they provide wireless routers via a third party because of the specialized attention required.

Wikipedia article: Computer network

YouTube: Common types of computer networks

When I connected to Millennium Circulation from my personal computer I had to connect through an Internet VPN (Cisco). I didn’t understand how the VPN network worked until this article. 

Coyle, K. (2005). Management of RFID in libraries. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 31(5), 486-489.

I just think there are other intergrated libraries systems that are less expensive, more flexible, and will serve the same purpose.

1 comment:

  1. The store where I work uses RFID as a security measure, and I don't think that the sensors are too expensive. There are also several types of tags that we use, depending on where the sensor has to be located.
