Saturday, November 13, 2010

Week 10 - Reading Notes

Mischo, W. (July/August 2005). Digital Libraries: challenges and influential work.

This article made me wonder if library science students are prepared to handle the back end of current and emerging technologies, compared to “information technology” or a “telecommunications” students. Althrough I can use the interace, I’m not sure if I could troubleshoot a “bug” in the system. I guess that is what IT departments are for.

Paepcke, A. et al. (July/August 2005). Dewey meets Turing: librarians, computer scientists and the digital libraries initiative.

Lynch, Clifford A. "Institutional Repositories: Essential Infrastructure for Scholarship in the Digital Age"

As libraries and technology continue to transform I wonder what new possibilities they hold for the actual concept of a book. Will future generations known what the physical container of a book looks like or will it fade away similar to the card catalog. It is not necessarily a bad thing, just interesting.

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